Friday, October 29, 2010

Post election evaluation: I learned a lot

I would pin my learning to a combination of things, but I'm thankful that it happened.

As you view the results posted on City of Winnipeg Election page and on other media outlets, you would see the breakdown of the voting results down to the number of people who voted for each candidate. I thought this was very interesting because it showed exactly how many supporters each candidate had. Seeing the exact numbers was like seeing how many friends you had in Winnipeg. Scary.

I was talking with my dad one morning before school and essentially interviewing him on his thoughts about the election's outcome. He volunteered at a candidate's campaign office so he was able to tell me more information about the results that individual candidates got about there results. The candidate gave their volunteers more detailed information about polling results including how many people voted at each individual voting location in their ward. The information included the exact number of votes per candidate in the specific voting location so it gave a picture of how many supporters each candidate had in the area of the voting location. This was important for the candidate to know because it showed what areas of their ward they were most popular. My dad also told me that they were given information regarding the demographic of the voters. My dad said, though unconfirmed, that voter turn out for the ward he volunteered in was up from 33 per cent to 60 per cent of voters coming out to support.

This information was particularly useful for candidates so they can reassess their campaign strategy, if they were to run again. I just found it so interesting that candidates were given that much detailed information. Now if it were only that easy to use that information, it would make for a better campaign.

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