Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Headline writing: more than one way to write them

As we learned to write headlines in Editing Print and Online Media class, I couldn't help but try to edit all the titles I saw around me. I really found the Canadian Press Stylebook's topic on headlines really useful in writing good headlines that attracted readers. Gone was the excuse that "I didn't know" because now I was informed of the proper techniques to write engaging headlines. Now, I just couldn't write the first thing that came to mind as my title. I have been given the knowledge to write better and more interesting headlines.

Headlines have so many different uses: it could be used in a news release; in an advertisement copy; in an article or a news story. The purpose was to grab the reader and entice them to read your article. Without a good headline, your article or news story could fall by the wayside and not be read. The good thing about headlines was that there was no one way of writing headlines and that encouraged me to keep looking for a better way to write them.

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