Thursday, September 16, 2010

Should I look now or wait til I'm done?

Of course, I'm talking about job hunting.

As all CreComms know, there is a cornucopia of jobs available for graduates listed on the CreComm Blog Network that jumps to Kenton's blog. There are a few job postings in PR for September alone. You can check out week of Sept. 05 and week of Sept. 12.

As exciting as it is to be a graduate of the Creative Communications program, I'm afraid jobs will not be available for me and my colleagues when its time to step on stage to accept that paper.

This summer, I was interviewed by CBC News about Travel Manitoba turning to ad agency DBB Canada for their marketing campaign. Read the article and my response. Was I wrong or bad to say that I would follow where the outsourcing would be? I feel guilty thinking that I would leave Winnipeg if there were no jobs here. I am confident that by the time we graduate, there will be a surplus of PR and other creative jobs ready for the taking.

Has anyone ever reviewed the RRC Graduate Satisfaction and Employment Report? It's pretty neat - it's a pdf report of all the programs in Red River College and lists how many students actually found jobs in their field and also displays the range of salaries earned by employed graduates.

Here's the 2008/2009 report for Creative Communications:

I realize the numbers in the report are determined by who answers the survey, but based on the 2005/2006 report, there's not much difference in the salaries. Getting a job in the field of Creative Communications might be rewarding, finding it will be a challenge.

1 comment:

  1. The best job that comes along is the first job that comes along!
