Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hungry? There's an app for that.

I happen to find Food Network Canada's free app for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad as I perused through the iTunes Store.

This is a great app. Among its many features, the app has instructional videos you can view - I just learned how to make chocolate ganache, lol.

Other features include:
- Recipes from Food Network Canada's Chef Michael Smith, Anna Olson, Chuck Hughes, and many more.
- A grocery list where you can import ingredients straight from the recipe you're creating. You can also customize any grocery list to add other items not on the recipe.
- After creating the recipe, share your rating, comments, or tweak it and send it to friends on Facebook, Twitter, and email.

This is such a great marketing tool for Food Network Canada because it gives consumers the ability to test out recipes from the show in the comfort of their own kitchen. Any aspiring cook would want to have this app to keep up with new recipes and to learn new techniques - all for free!

The app makes it easy to go shopping for the ingredients as you import them to a handy grocery list and check them off on your device as you pick them up at the grocer. No need to get a separate app for your grocery list (which I know my sister uses).

The app makes preparation of the recipes clear because of the included videos (not all) and the photos users can upload to show everyone who has a Food Network Canada account how their recipe turned out.

If Chef Michael Smith says "put the chicken carcass, thighs and drumsticks into a large soup pot," I'd do what it takes to make his chicken noodle soup recipe. After all, he has worked in a Michelin three-star restaurant in London.

Download this free app from the iTunes Store. The only downside is it requires you to be connected to the Internet when you use it. The best part about it is it has a recipe for a hangover - The Resurrector by Chef Chuck Hughes.

1 comment:

  1. This app has lots of features - and among the best are the ones that allow people to share their results/reviews on Facebook etc. The more the network generates conversation around its brand, the more exposure we all get. Smart!
