Saturday, March 26, 2011

Leaving CreComm: what I'll miss the most.

Home stretch. Here we go!

My two-year journey is almost coming to an end. With two weeks left, I’m feeling excited to finish, pumped for the summer, and scared to start working for the rest of my life.

But what is it about Red River College’s Creative Communications program that makes every person who completes it feeling so inspired and so motivated to do something [amazing] with their lives after CreComm? I don’t like getting cheesy, but in a sense, it makes everyone feel so alive. I don’t know… maybe because so many of us have come from different backgrounds and different experiences that when we all get together under one CreComm roof, we learn that there are others like us.

The CreComm community is what I’m going to miss the most.

How many of my fellow students mentioned the words “CreComm” and “family” together in the same sentence? Lots. I was one of them.

One of the reasons I got good grades in high school was because I was able to interact with my classmates in school and because my teachers were very supportive of me. I felt confident in myself and quickly found out what my strengths and weaknesses were because I had friends all around me to guide me and support me along the process.

The opposite could be said of my university experience.

I knew about five people through my entire one and a half years in university. How could this be considering there were more than 20,000 students that go to U of M? Maybe it was just me. Maybe it was because of the big class size or the huge campus. In the end, I wasn’t able to connect with people in my university experience and I’m attributing the fact I didn’t do so well in university to that.

 What’s so different with CreComm?

I noticed in the first week of CreComm classes in 2009 that this was the place I was meant to learn. It was very obvious that the admin department in Creative Arts had carefully thought of this program, its instructors, its students, and its curriculum. Did you know that for every one CreComm accepted in the program, three people were denied entry? That stat always floored me. What was it that they screened for? Was there an x-gene that CreCommers had that other people didn’t? Up until now, I still wonder. If selection were up to me, everyone who applied would certainly be accepted in. I just wouldn’t know what to look for.

Now that CreComm is ending, my friends are what I would miss the most.

There were still a few CreComms I really didn’t get to know and I would take the program all over again just to be able to make a connection with them. CreComm was that awesome and I’m thankful to be among other talented individuals to finish the program in 2011.